Cam's Test Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Exchange/Iron bar/doc

-- Info access by [[Module:Exchange]]
-- use ['key'] over key
-- as date is a reserved word and to keep all keys consistent

local p = {
    -- these are updated via bot every day or so
    ['price'] = 0,
    ['last'] = 0,
    ['date'] = 0,
    ['last_date'] = 0,
    -- these are updated at some interval by a bot(?)
    ['volume'] = 0,
    ['volume_date'] = 0,
    -- these should remain static
    -- assuming they aren't altered in an update
    ['icon'] = 0,
    ['item_id'] = 0,
    ['value'] = 0,
    ['limit'] = 0,
    ['members'] = 0,
    ['category'] = 0,
    ['examine'] = 0

return p